
Our exam has close to 50 questions and takes close to 1 hr to complete. There are no negative marks and all questions are graded equally. At the end of the quiz your score would be communicated to you and a hard copy certificate would be mailed to you provided you have scored over 40 percent marks.

In case you do not pass the test, you do have the provision to take a re-test. For those participants who pass the test, a certificate would be couriered to you within 2-3 weeks of your completing the test.

If you are able to score 80% or more in your test, you would have qualified with “Distinction”. Your hard copy certificate will have the words ‘Distinction’ as proof of the fact that you have scored distinction marks.

Below you would find some sample questions.

Q1. How many data points do you need to have a short-term capability?

  1. Two data points.
  2. Over 100 data points.
  3. Fewer than five data points.
  4. Between 30 and 50 data points.

Q2. If the Cp is 1.0, what is the sigma value?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 6
  5. None of above

Q3. What is the purpose for gauge R&R?

  1. Statistical analysis to evaluate measure error
  2. To understand repeatability and reproducibility of your MSA
  3. To help validate what is a defect and what is not
  4. To gauge the rest and relaxation needed for a black belt
  5. a through d

Q4. What plot describes the many distributions in one graph in quartiles?

  1. Interval plot
  2. Capability plot
  3. Probability plot
  4. Median plot
  5. Box plot

Q5. What is meant by a p-value of less than 0.05?

  1. That there are no significant difference
  2. The variance terms are equal
  3. The mean has a shift of 1.5 sigma
  4. You’re 95 percent confident that there is a statistical difference
  5. All the above

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